Untitled 360

Pre-Untitled 360

Additional Information

Once you move outside of where you used to live, you start to wonder: what did I miss, throughout all these years that I left right, not that long ago?

Europe is a wonderful continent. Rich with culture, with an abundance of nations scattered across the lands. Unfortunately, once I came back I didn't really find anything that I presumed I'd be looking for. So once my stay in Munich started getting heavy to the extent that it was quite unbearable, with my exams incoming inexorably I decided to make a final stand.

In physiology, there is the classic terminology that varietes between a fight and flight response. I combined both, once again in my life and undertook a combination of trips in order to find something, that germans sum up to one word: Sehnsucht, which in my case could translate into longing for something that I relentlessly awaited to discover. Something that could predestine my next steps in life, after the mobility period concludes.

Despite having discovered a great range of european cities, I did not find what I was looking for. But paradoxically, despite me neglecting heavily and hampering my studies, I managed to pass all of my exams. I wonder, if there is one more way to unlock myself?

Anyway, the series is not yet finished, awaiting for a significant amount of free time, that might come after I come back to Sydney. I plan on publishing, probably more than around 12-15 extensive articles, that will describe the world through my eyes with a keen focus placed on the atmosphere of all the places, read through the cultural lenses and my personal experience.